Tuesday, February 10, 2009

~ White Flag to the Red Flag? ~

That which is within us all, within each and every one, that heart to keep us standing tall, that gives us the courage to stand, not run...where is it that it flees at times, when the unknowns threaten and throw us curves? Where hides the heart that feels too much, and how to convince it of truth and such, so that it believes it's getting all that it deserves?

How do you judge your heart content? When peace seems transitory, spent, and changes track emotions' paths, to keep believing or live in denial seems pointless in the face of waved red flags.  Surrender to the moment, then - a temporary answer to Time, which doesn't relent, and "Older does not mean wiser," Ego brags.

I see the pennants fluttering in the distance, sure that they taper to a point or two, but still I give the "now" a chance, and wonder if it's the best "right thing" to do? Swallow fear and feed the positive thoughts the idealist within me hopes is truth. If I learn another lesson, or shed another tear, then I guess this old heart will cope with that, too.

Detachment is the safest bet, and yet, the task rankles as a cop-out ploy. If life is a dream, then the realist in me's screwed, because inevitably, the pain always tangles with joy. Ah, save this heart and keep it locked, to try and backtrack would mean nothing now.  Is it ever too late to cast blinders aside, to accept here and now, as it is? If it can be done, can someone please tell me how?

~ C.L.R. ~ © 2008

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